Smart Connection

This technology allows the public to participate en masse in the same activity, through their own smartphones or through devices provided by our company. This solution can be used to carry out voting or trivia, participate in massive games in groups or individually, view institutional information, send messages between the participants or translate them on a giant screen, and customize some functionality according to the client's needs.
You do not need an internet connection, Playbots provides everything you need.


We have different technologies for registering guests at an event. We adapt to different needs through fixed or mobile, autonomous or assisted registration stations. We can link the accreditation process with some playful activity. Associated with accreditation We also offer a digital raffle system among those present that is carried out in an agile and fun way.

Data Capture

By means of a personalized or autonomous system, the data collection of attendees at a fair, congress or event in general. This system is adaptable to the different needs of the client and in turn can be branded and linked to a game.